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To enter text on your pages you simply enter the text.
If you do not specify any attributes for text it will be shown on the users screen using the default size, font etc. of the users browser.

To format text, to be bold, blinking, underlined or whatever, you can make use the formatting-tags listed below.

To use a specific font on your page you should use the <basefont> and <font>-tags.

Browsers can only show fonts available on the visitors PC.
Therefore you are limited to use the fonts that are available on almost any computer.
If you need to use a fancy font, you should make an image with the font to make sure the visitor will see it. Since images takes up much more space than plain text, and thus increases download times, you should use this option with care.


To specify the overall font for your entire page add the <basefont>-tag at the beginning of the body-section.
Look at the code shown for this example:

Hello! This is my page.
All text looks the same
since I only specified a basefont.      

The code to produce the above example looks like this:

<title>my page</title>
<basefont color=#FFFFFF face=arial, verdana, courier size=4>
Hello! This is my page.<br>
All text looks the same<br>
since i only specified a basefont.<br>

The color-attribute selects the desired color for your text.
the face-attribute selects the desired font.

If you enter a list of fonts, like in the example, the browser will use the first font in the list available on the visitors computer.

The size-attribute specifies the desired size, between 1 (smallest) and 7 (biggest).

To use a font in a local part of the document use the <font>-tag. Look at the code used in this example:

Hello! This is my page.                

This local text looks different

This text looks like the first line


<title>my page</title>

<body bgColor=teal>
<basefont color=#000000 face=arial, verdana, courier size=4>
Hello! This is my page.<br><br>
<font color=#00FF00 face=arial size=2>
This local text looks different<br><br>
This text looks like the first line

The color-attribute selects the desired color for your text.
the face-attribute selects the desired font.

If you enter a list of fonts, like in the example, the browser will use the first font in the list available on the visitors computer.

The size-attribute specifies the desired size, between 1 (smallest) and 7 (biggest).

It is possible to enter specific fonts and colors for the links on your pages.

If the page is viewed in browsers like MSIE 3 or Netscape 4 or newer than these, you can even gain complete control of the links, including removing the underline links usually would have.

For a detailed explanation visit the links-section.


<b>text</b> writes text as bold
<i>text</i> writes text in italics
<u>text</u> writes underlined text
<sub>text</sub> lowers text and makes it smaller
<sup>text</sup> lifts text and makes it smaller
<blink>text</blink> guess yourself!
<strike>text</strike> strikes a line through the text
<tt>text<tt> writes text as on a classic typewriter
<pre>text<pre> writes text exactly as it is, including spaces.
<em>text</em> usually makes text italic
<strong>text</strong> usually makes text bold


<big>text</big> increses the size by one
<small>text<smalli> decreases the size by one
<u>text</u> writes underlined text
<h1>text</h1> writes text using biggest heading
<h6>text</h6> writes text using smallest heading
<font size="1">text</font> writes text using smallest fontsize. (8 pt)
<font size="7">text</font> writes text using biggest fontsize (36 pt)

If none of the above sizes matches your wants, you need to save your text as an image, and then insert the image on the page.


<p>text</p> Adds a paragraph-break after the text.
(2 linebreaks).
text<br> Adds a single linebreak where the tag is.   
<nobr>text</nobr> Keeps the browser from adding linebreaks
- even if the text is wider than the window.
text<wbr> Allows the browser to insert a linebreak
at exactly this point
- even if the text is within <nobr>-tags.
<center>text</center> Forces the text to be centered.
<p align="left">text</p> Forces the broser to left-justify text.
<p align="right">text</p> Forces the browser to right-justify text.


For a complete overview of the tutorials and resources on this site you should look at the sitemap.

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