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Free Banner-Ads-Services

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Yeah, you're right. 99 out of 100 banners are annoying.

Still, it is nice to earn money from the traffic you generate and pay for.

If you can pick the banners for your site by hand, you might even be able to turn them into real additions to the site.

Adding banners that compliments the content of each page will not only be an addition to the page, it will also increse the income you get from the banners. It is obvious that the more the banner match the content the more likely is the visitor to click it.

The services listed here all offer that you choose which banners you want on each page.

Some advertisers will pay you per click (typically between 5 and 10 cents pr. click)

Others will pay you if the visitor signs up or buys something on the site you refer to. Payments for this vary a lot but typical values are between 1 and 5 $ each.

If you want to earn money from your site you should also check out the web-shop-page on this site. It lists resources that will let you easily sell stuff from your page.




Safe-Audit Banner Service - Her tilbydes der dig penge for at vise deres reklamer, og de ser ud til at være meget pålidelige. Firmaet, der er placeret i England, tilbyder dig en komplet og up-to-date statistik, så du kan se, hvordan dit banner klarer sig. Interfacet hos dem er dog ikke noget at råbe hurra for, der det er lidt svært at finde rundt i, og deres support er ofte lidt for lang tid om at svare. Men hvis du er på udkig efter lidt ekstra lommepenge, så tag et kig hos dem. Bemærk dog, at ikke alle sider accepteres!!

This service will allow you to pick the banners you want to place on each of your pages.

When surfing through the different banners they offer you will be presented with the average payments/views of each banner. If for nothing else, you should sign up because of this. An excellent opportunity to get a feeling of how much can be earned on diffeent banners.

When you have earned 20$ you can request that a check will be sent to you.

Click the banner below to sign up with safe-audit.


Click-Trade is a service provided by Link-Exchange.

You can surfe through hundreds of advertisers and pick the ones you want to have on your page.

Before getting paid, the advertiser needs to accept you. This means that, when you find an ad you'd like on your page, you simply click a button and the advertiser gets notyfied about your request.
A couple of days later you will receive an accept or decline.

When you have earned 50$ you can request that a check will be sent to you.


Linkexchange is by far the best known banner-exchange network.

Unlike Safe-Audit and ClickTrade this is not a matter of hosting banners for others in return for money.

With LinkExchange you host banners and get your own banner hosted in return. However it is not a 1-1 rate.
The entire service is free for you, but LinkExchange finance it by adding their own banners in between. This means that each time you host two banners your own banner gets hosted once. This way LinkExchange itself gets half the banneradvertising related to the service.

Judge for yourself if you find this procedure fair!

If you dont... you might consider GSAnet.Com.... they offer a ratio which is 1-1. One ad on your site means your add on one other site.


This is a service similar to LinkExchange that in addition will allow you to only advertise your page for a selected audience.



This is another service similar to LinkExchange.

But instead of a ratio of 1-2 you get 1-1.

Where linkexchange only will show your banner once for each time you show two banners, this service will show your banner as many times as you show banners from others.

The service is fair and reliable. So if you're interested in banner-exchange, I'd suggest this one to LinkExchange.

Four Corners Effective Banners

This service offer tips and ideas on how to improve your banners. After all - signing up with a banner-exchange service is worthless if your banner does not attract visitors.

The site also runs a gallery of some of the most successfull banners on the internet. The gallery should give you a good idea of what works and what doesn't.


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rdown10.gif (244 bytes) HOT TOOLS - ALL FREE OR SHAREWARE rdown10.gif (244 bytes)

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Editors Pick Of the Week at ZD-Net  

rright10.gif (248 bytes) AceFTP - The easy and efficient way to transfer files!!
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AceFTP is a great program that allow users to transfer files from their system
to an Internet Server.
AceFTP includes advanced options, such as connecting to several servers
at the same time and an integrated browser that allows you to view all your files.

Editors Pick Of the Week at ZD-Net   

rright10.gif (248 bytes) SMARTSCRIPT - JavaScript - Without Coding!!
r10.gif (111 bytes)
SmartScript is a program that adds javascript-effects to your pages.
All you need to do is pull drop-down-menus, make selections and click buttons.
The program will take care of all the dirty coding. 5/5 stars at ZD-net!

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