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Yes, you're right. Why add an option allowing people to send e-mails to friends when everybody has a regular e-mail program designed for the purpose?

The reason is simply, that experience has shown that more visitors will recommend your site to friends if they can do it directly from your site.


Eeasy to set-up free service that will let you put a link on your site offering visitors to recommend it to friends.

If the visitor uses this service the mail sent will contain:

Information about recommend-it.
Information entered by you when you signed up.
Information entered by the visitor.
An advertise from recommend it.

Yeah, it's annoying that the mails include ads for recommend-it itself as well as for one of their customers.
But it's free and it's easy.

If you'd rather get rid of the annoying commercials you should consider creating your own recommend-page.
This can rather easily be done using a formhandler.


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rdown10.gif (244 bytes) HOT TOOLS - ALL FREE OR SHAREWARE rdown10.gif (244 bytes)

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Editors Pick Of the Week at ZD-Net  

rright10.gif (248 bytes) AceFTP - The easy and efficient way to transfer files!!
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AceFTP is a great program that allow users to transfer files from their system
to an Internet Server.
AceFTP includes advanced options, such as connecting to several servers
at the same time and an integrated browser that allows you to view all your files.

Editors Pick Of the Week at ZD-Net   

rright10.gif (248 bytes) SMARTSCRIPT - JavaScript - Without Coding!!
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SmartScript is a program that adds javascript-effects to your pages.
All you need to do is pull drop-down-menus, make selections and click buttons.
The program will take care of all the dirty coding. 5/5 stars at ZD-net!

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