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Free Site-Search Tools

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Adding a full search option to your site increases the friendliness of the userinterface dramaticly.

This is especially true the bigger the site grows.

Why loose visitors just because they can't find what actually is covered on your pages?

With a site-search-option, if the visitor did not find what he came for, the topic is most likely not covered on the site.

A fact that is not always the case without the searchoption!


Add a search engine to your web site today, for free, in less than 10 minutes!

Without CGIs or server modifications!

You can customize the search screens with your own background and logo, integrating the search process seamlessly with your site.
instant sign-up...

How it works
Visitors to your site click the search link.

They see a search entry form that looks like part of your site because it can be customized with your own background and logo.

The user enters a query and presses the search button.

The Freefind search engine will search your web site and present your visitor with a results page. This page contains a ranked list of pages on your site that match the user's query. The results page can be customized with your own logo and background.

Find what you're looking for
Most search engines have a mind of their own.
If they decide to rank your main page at the end of the list, it's stuck there.
Freefind lets webmasters adjust the rankng of key pages so they'll show up on top!

Setting-up is very easy.
Simply enter your web site's URL and FreeFind will e-mail you the HTML to add to your web page.

Personal Spider

Personal Spider is a free site search engine hosted at wired-worker.

You only need to specify the URL which should be spidered and insert a search-form into one of your pages.

The spider will then index your pages every night.

It's especially usefull if you cannot install a search-engine on your host or don't want to deal with the setup and maintain process.


  • easy setup

  • it's free

  • full-featured search-engine with
    Boolean expression searching and
    Searching of HTML and text files

To use the Personal Spider you need to join the free member-area without any obligations.

See how it looks like and test it here.

A search engine for your site.

Can be customized, and comes with many other great tools, such as guestbook, formhandler etc.

If for nothing else, check this site to see the variety of offerings they carry.

See what their searchtool looks like and test it here.

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rdown10.gif (244 bytes) HOT TOOLS - ALL FREE OR SHAREWARE rdown10.gif (244 bytes)

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Editors Pick Of the Week at ZD-Net  

rright10.gif (248 bytes) AceFTP - The easy and efficient way to transfer files!!
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AceFTP is a great program that allow users to transfer files from their system
to an Internet Server.
AceFTP includes advanced options, such as connecting to several servers
at the same time and an integrated browser that allows you to view all your files.

Editors Pick Of the Week at ZD-Net   

rright10.gif (248 bytes) SMARTSCRIPT - JavaScript - Without Coding!!
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SmartScript is a program that adds javascript-effects to your pages.
All you need to do is pull drop-down-menus, make selections and click buttons.
The program will take care of all the dirty coding. 5/5 stars at ZD-net!

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